Nebel, Panzer und Vielfachwerfer


Nebel, Panzer und Vielfachwerfer


Nebel, Panzer und Vielfachwerfer

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Nuts & Bolts 30 Nebel Panzer und Vielfachwerfer – Maultier Part 2
Author Joachim Baschin Martin Block Vinnie Branigan

In the autumn of 2010 shortly before finishing Vol. 28 on the Maultier we decided not to include the armoured Maultier in Vol. 28 to retain our normal number of 160 pages per volume; but also it was a weapons vehicle not purely a “mule” to transport loads.
The subject of the Panzerwerfer is very interesting so it was decided that we would introduce this equipment in another volume of Nuts & Bolts especially as a lot of the necessary work was already completed at that time. Initially we thought that we could not fill a full volume of 160 pages with this subject. However we are proud to announce Nuts & Bolts Vol. 30 – with 208 pages the most comprehensive volume in our series so far! This is because we decided not only to include the Panzerwerfer with its highly interesting story but also the towed Nebelwerfers. It is astonishing that our team of authors was able to uncover such a vast amount of new and previously thought to be lost information on all aspects of this equipment.   

  • by Joachim Baschin Martin Block Vinnie Branigan
  • published on May 31 2013
  • soft cover
  • german & english texts
  • 208 pages
  • 391 photos (250 historic 28 model 113 modern)
  • 24 blueprints
  • 19 camouflage schemes tactical markings table of organsisation (KStN)